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Your AC Could Be the Reason for Dust

Dust covered ac filter

Have you ever noticed the excessive amount of dust accumulating in your home no matter how much you clean? If you find yourself dusting more than you normally would, then your air conditioner could be the culprit. Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions that can reduce common allergens in your home.

Purchase Quality Air Filters

One of the purposes of air filters are to capture the dust and stop it from re-circulating in your home. But if a dirty or a low rated MERV filter is being used, chances are dust will continue to enter your home. Investing in quality air filters with a higher MERV rating will ensure cleaner air in your home. Changing your filters on a regular basis will prevent clogged air filters and damage to your HVAC system.

Check the Ducts

If your air filters aren’t the issue, then checking the air ducts would be the next option. Leaky ducts could also play a part in a dusty home. Ducts that are not properly sealed can cause your HVAC unit to work double time in order to compensate for air leaking out, thus creating a disruption of allergens. A few signs that will let you know that you have leaky air ducts are dusty vent registers, areas in your home that are not cooling, and an energy bill that is higher than usual. If you think this may be the issue, hire an HVAC professional to determine whether you need a duct replacement. They will perform a pressure test to see where the issue lies.

Turn on the Thermostat

When vacuuming, switching the thermostat from “auto” to “on” will help catch any dust or allergens circulating in your home. Carpet tends to house dust and vacuuming disrupts the dust even more. When the vacuum releases the dust from the carpet or any other area, the dust will then get sucked into the AC system and ultimately end up in the air filter. Using a higher quality air filter will be more effective when capturing dust.

If you have any questions on how to get rid of dust in your home or what air filters are best for your HVAC unit, please give the specialists in air conditioning service in Port St. Lucie, and Martin County, a call. They will be more than happy to help you.


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